////// load custom.js file ///// /*var js = document.createElement("script"); js.type = "text/javascript"; js.src = "customJS.js"; document.body.appendChild(js); */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////// var boxWidth=380; var boxHeight=548; var boxHeader=129; // Creating the Div and adding it to the dom /* Public openChatTimer As Integer = 0 Public closedTitle As String = "chat with us" Public openedTitle As String = "In Call" Public burstCall As Integer = 0 Public chatSide As Integer = 0 Public ring As Integer = 0 */ // Chat Settings var ICRTree = 1; var openChatTimer = 0; var closedTitle = 'נציג'; var openedTitle = 'צ'אט עם נציג'; var welcomeMessage = '2'; var burstCall = 0; var chatSide = 'left'; var ring = 0; var CallExists= 0; var SystemNotAvailable = 1; var CallProfile = 2; var delayChatDisplay = 3000; var showChatInUrls = []; var showChatInUrls_Delays = []; var PreventAutoPopCookieExpiration = 300; var ShowPreImage = 1; var chatOpenedOnce = 0; var chatCloseAfterMinimize = 30; // period of time after a use minimized the chat to close it // Default values var maxHeight = 357; var minHeight = 60; var currentHeight = 60; var animating = false; var resizeStep = 20; var floatChat = document.createElement("div"); floatChat.style.width = "234px"; floatChat.style.height = "60px"; floatChat.style.bottom = "15px"; floatChat.style.left = "15px"; floatChat.style.position = "fixed"; floatChat.style.zIndex = "9999999999"; floatChat.style.border = "2px solid black"; floatChat.style.boxSizing = "content-box"; if (!ShowPreImage) { preImage= ""; } floatChat.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; //floatChat.style.backgroundImage = "url('https://chatng.partner.co.il/getFile.aspx?profile=2&fname=vir.png&clientid=wizsupport')"; floatChat.innerHTML = "
"; floatChat.id = "wizFloatingChat"; var preImage; if (ShowPreImage) { //check the url and replace "fname" in accordance fileName="fcPreImage.png"; //getFileName(window.location.href); /*preImage = document.createElement("img"); preImage.id = "wizFloatpreimage"; preImage.src = "https://chatng.partner.co.il/getFile.aspx?profile=2&fname=" + fileName + "&clientid=wizsupport"; preImage.onclick = function() { animating=true;openChatWindow(); growFloatPanel(); }; preImage.style.position="fixed"; preImage.style.left = "0px"; preImage.style.bottom = "50%"; preImage.style.zIndex = "9999999999"; preImage.style.cursor = "pointer";*/ preImage = document.createElement("div"); preImage.id = "wizFloatpreimage"; preImage.onclick = function() { animating=true;openChatWindow(); growFloatPanel();togglePreImageIframe(false);setCookie("wizFloatMinimized","0",300); }; preImage.style.position="fixed"; preImage.style.left = "0px"; preImage.style.bottom = "67px"; preImage.style.zIndex = "9999999999"; preImage.style.cursor = "pointer"; if (readCookie("chatws") != "") { CallExists=1; } } function togglePreImageIframe(showFrame) { var preImageSRC = "https://chatng.partner.co.il/getFile.aspx?profile=2&fname=" + fileName + "&clientid=wizsupport"; preImage.innerHTML=""; if (showFrame) { checkForChatNotification(); preImage.innerHTML += ""; } } function displayChat() { var showchat = false; for (i in showChatInUrls) { if(window.location.href.indexOf(showChatInUrls[i]) > -1) { showchat = true; } } if (showChatInUrls.length == 0) { showchat = true; } // if there are not URLs show chat always if (CallExists) { showchat = true; } if (showchat) { document.body.appendChild(floatChat); resizeChatWidget(boxWidth,boxHeight,boxHeader); if (!CallExists) { document.getElementById("wizFloatingChat").style.display="none"; togglePreImageIframe(false); } var wizFloatMinimized = readCookie("wizFloatMinimized"); if (CallExists /*&& wizFloatMinimized=="1"*/) { document.getElementById("wizFloatingChat").style.display="none"; togglePreImageIframe(true); } document.getElementById("wizFloatMinimize").onclick=function() { if (animating==false) { animating=true; shrinkFloatPanel(1); setCookie("wizFloatMinimized","1",300); } }; document.getElementById("wizFloatClose").onclick=function() { if (animating==false) { animating=true; shrinkFloatPanel(); } }; /*document.getElementById("wizFloatTopbar").onclick=function(){ var test = document.getElementById("wizFloatingChat").style.height; if (test == minHeight + "px") { if (animating==false) { animating=true; openChatWindow(); growFloatPanel(); } } else { if (animating==false) { animating=true; shrinkFloatPanel(); } } };*/ if (ShowPreImage) { document.body.appendChild(preImage); } } } // change the size of the floating chat widget. Also define which portion of the widget will be visible. function resizeChatWidget(overallWidth,overallHeight,headerHeight) { var elem = document.getElementById("wizFloatingChat"); //elem.style.border="1px solid black"; elem.style.width = overallWidth + "px"; // width of the entire widget elem.style.height = headerHeight + "px"; // display only the initial visible portion maxHeight = overallHeight; // maximum height - used for animation calculations minHeight = headerHeight; // minmum height - used for animation calculations: return to initial stage var topbar = document.getElementById("wizFloatTopbar"); topbar.style.height = headerHeight+"px"; setInnerContentSizes("100%",overallHeight-headerHeight + "px"); } function setInnerContentSizes(width,height) { document.getElementById("wizFloatContent").style.width=width; document.getElementById("wizFloatContent").style.height=height; document.getElementById("wizFloatContent").style.backgroundColor="white"; } // actionType: 0/undefined = default,1 = minimize(close interaction after X seconds only during chat session) function openChatWindow() { var framewidth="100%"; var frameheight=(maxHeight - minHeight) + "px"; if (SystemNotAvailable) { if (ICRTree > 0) { document.getElementById("wizFloatContent").innerHTML = ""; } else { document.getElementById("wizFloatContent").innerHTML = ""; } } else { if (chatOpenedOnce == 0) { if (ICRTree > 0 && !CallExists) { document.getElementById("wizFloatContent").innerHTML = ""; } else { if (burstCall == 0) { document.getElementById("wizFloatContent").innerHTML = ""; } else { document.getElementById("wizFloatContent").innerHTML = ""; } } chatOpenedOnce=1; } } } function growFloatPanel() { clearTimeout(autoOpenTimer); if (document.getElementById("wizFloatingChat") != null) { if (animating) { if (ShowPreImage) { preImage.style.display="none"; document.getElementById("wizFloatingChat").style.display="block"; } if (currentHeight < maxHeight) { currentHeight = currentHeight + resizeStep; if (currentHeight >= maxHeight) { setCookie("PreventAutoPopup","0",PreventAutoPopCookieExpiration); currentHeight=maxHeight; animating=false; document.getElementById("wizFloatTopBarText").innerHTML=openedTitle; if (readCookie("chatws") != "") { CallExists=1; } else { CallExists=0; } if (CallExists) { document.getElementById("wizFloatClose").style.display="none"; } else { document.getElementById("wizFloatClose").style.display="block"; } //openChatWindow(); } document.getElementById("wizFloatingChat").style.height=currentHeight + "px"; if (animating) {setTimeout("growFloatPanel()",20)} else { }; } } } else { animating = false; } } function checkForChatStatus_forcloseBtn() { // no call, minimize if (readCookie("chatws") != "") { CallExists=1; document.getElementById("wizFloatClose").style.display="none"; } if (!CallExists) { setTimeout("checkForChatStatus_forcloseBtn()",3000); } } function checkForChatNotification() { var chatwsNotify=readCookie("chatwsNotify"); try { if (chatwsNotify == "1") { document.getElementById("chatwsNewNotification").style.display="block"; } else { document.getElementById("chatwsNewNotification").style.display="none"; } } catch (e) { } if (CallExists) { setTimeout("checkForChatNotification()",3000); } } function checkForChatStatus(wstate) { // no call, minimize if (readCookie("chatws") != "") { CallExists=1; } else { CallExists=0; } if (wstate == 1 && !CallExists) { return; } // call , minimize document.getElementById("wizFloatContent").innerHTML=""; chatOpenedOnce=0; //if pressed x reset anyways } function shrinkFloatPanel(clearFrame) { if (animating) { if (currentHeight > minHeight) { currentHeight = currentHeight - resizeStep; if (currentHeight <= minHeight) { setCookie("PreventAutoPopup","1",PreventAutoPopCookieExpiration); currentHeight=minHeight; animating=false; document.getElementById("wizFloatTopBarText").innerHTML=closedTitle; checkForChatStatus(clearFrame); if (ShowPreImage) { preImage.style.display="block"; document.getElementById("wizFloatingChat").style.display="none"; if (CallExists) { document.getElementById("wizFloatClose").style.display="none"; } else { document.getElementById("wizFloatClose").style.display="block"; } togglePreImageIframe(true); } } document.getElementById("wizFloatingChat").style.height=currentHeight + "px"; if (animating) {setTimeout("shrinkFloatPanel("+clearFrame+")",20) } else {document.getElementById("wizclosepopupbtn").style.display="none"; }; } } } // DOM ready function without using libraries such as JQuery. function r(f){/in/.test(document.readyState)?setTimeout('r('+f+')',9):f()} // Using the function var autoOpenTimer; r(function(){ if (delayChatDisplay > 0 && CallExists == 0) { for (i in showChatInUrls) { if(window.location.href.indexOf(showChatInUrls[i]) > -1) { delayChatDisplay = showChatInUrls_Delays[i]; } } if (showChatInUrls.length == 0) { delayChatDisplay = 0; } // if there are not URLs show chat always setTimeout(function() { displayChat(); onChatLoadActions(); },delayChatDisplay); } else { displayChat(); onChatLoadActions(); } var showOrNot=""; showOrNot=readCookie("StopFloatingChat"); if (showOrNot!="") { hideAllFloater() } if (delayChatDisplay == 0) { //onChatLoadActions() } checkForChatStatus_forcloseBtn(); }); function onChatLoadActions() { var PreventAutoPopup = readCookie("PreventAutoPopup"); GetHash(); //alert(PreventAutoPopup); if (CallExists && PreventAutoPopup != "1") { var wizFloatMinimized = readCookie("wizFloatMinimized"); /*if (wizFloatMinimized!="1") { animating=true; openChatWindow(); growFloatPanel(); }*/ } else { if (openChatTimer > 0 && PreventAutoPopup!="1") { autoOpenTimer=setTimeout(function(){if (animating==false) { animating=true; openChatWindow(); growFloatPanel();if (ring) playSound(true); }},openChatTimer * 1000); } } } function playSound(p) { if (p) { //document.getElementById("wizfloatsound").innerHTML=''; } else { //document.getElementById("wizfloatsound").innerHTML=''; } } function ClosePopup() { //setCookie("PreventAutoPopup","1",PreventAutoPopCookieExpiration); //setCookie("StopFloatingChat","1","600"); animating=true; shrinkFloatPanel(); //setTimeout(function() {hideAllFloater()},"2000"); } /* Settings Cookie */ function setCookie(cookieName,cookieValue,nDays) { var today = new Date(); var expire = new Date(); if (nDays==null || nDays==0) nDays=1; //expire.setTime(today.getTime() + 3600000*24*nDays); // Expiration in seconds expire.setTime(today.getTime() + 1000*nDays); document.cookie = cookieName+"="+escape(cookieValue) + ";expires="+expire.toGMTString(); } function readCookie(cookieName) { var theCookie=" "+document.cookie; var ind=theCookie.indexOf(" "+cookieName+"="); if (ind==-1) ind=theCookie.indexOf(";"+cookieName+"="); if (ind==-1 || cookieName=="") return ""; var ind1=theCookie.indexOf(";",ind+1); if (ind1==-1) ind1=theCookie.length; return unescape(theCookie.substring(ind+cookieName.length+2,ind1)); } function GetHash() { var myhash = location.hash.slice(1); if (myhash.indexOf("wiz:") != -1 && CallExists==0) { // run user define function location.hash=""; alert(myhash.replace("wiz:","")); } else { setTimeout(function() { GetHash(); },2000); } } /* try { document.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === "complete"){ resizeChatWidget(boxWidth,boxHeight,boxHeader); } }; } catch (e) {} try { //for everyone else document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { resizeChatWidget(boxWidth,boxHeight,boxHeader); }, false); } catch (e) {} */ function getFileName(location) { var fileName = "floater.png"; if (location.indexOf("bike") != -1) fileName = "floater2.png"; return fileName; } function hideAllFloater() { preImage.style.display="none"; floatChat.style.display="none"; document.getElementById("wizFloatpreimage").style.display="none"; }